Therapeutic Respite
Therapeutic respite is designed to provide a safe environment for children with RAD. In this atmosphere they have a place to slow down so they can feel and deal with their emotions that are stuffed down or explosive.
Respite also a provides a much needed break for parents and siblings who are closely affected by the constant chaos, either underlying or obvious, that a RAD child demonstrates.
This type of healing work provides a few different types of respite that can be tailored to your families needs. Options include scheduled breaks for parents and siblings that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Long term respite is more specialized due to the length of time and the expansion of the care team. Anything over two weeks requires a therapist on the team.
During respite the child is given the opportunity to practice things that they struggle with accomplishing at home. We call this the Big 6. The child learns how to do things respectfully and responsibly, while being fun to be around. They learn how do things quick and snappy, right the first time, and the adults way.
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