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Experiences change the brain. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.


Passionate About Inspiring Families to Find Hope 

Come to Healing Hearts Northwest Camp where you will be empowered to cut the chaos, and bring love and laughter back into your family. We have been trained by Nancy Thomas at Families by Design and our own extensive personal experience with our own children healing from RAD.

Understand that there is hope. The root of the unattached childs' issues is not their will or your parenting skills. It is their brain! Therefore we must treat the problem not the symptoms. "Normal or traditional" parenting techniques are inadequate for the unattached child. You are the secret to your childs success. 


Doctor Bruce Perry said "It is not the finger that pulls the trigger. It is the brain." 


Experiences change the brain. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love. 


At Healing Hearts Northwest we provide seven day family camps which include training and activities for the whole family on understanding attachment, rebuilding the brain and a new paradigm, rebuilding heart to heart connection, a plan for healing, and tools to stop inappropriate behavior. 


Learn How to Lead Your Challenging Child to Success 

  • Be surrounded with support and expert help to reach your goals 

  • Banish lying, stealing, arguing, and more

  • Research backed and proven life changing techniques


Together Find a Powerful Connection to Fill Your Hearts With Joy

  • A place to rest and recharge 

  • Healthy meals together as a family 

  • Family activities to build trust, relationships, cooperation, and love


Symptoms of RAD in Children

High Risk Signs in Infants

  • Superficially engaging & charming 

  • Lack of eye contact on parent's terms 

  • Indiscriminately affectionate with strangers 

  • Not affectionate on parents terms 

  • Destructive to self, others and material things (accident prone) 

  • Cruelty to animals 

  • Lying about the obvious (crazy lying)

  • Abnormal eating patterns 

  • Inappropriately demanding & clingy 

  • Abnormal speech patterns 

  • Triangulation of adults 

  • False allegations of abuse 

  • Presumptive entitlement issues 

  • Parents appear hostile or angry 

  • Poor peer relationships

  • Does not use crying appropriately to get someone to address needs 

  • Often does not settle when needs are met 

  • Overreacts or often startles to touch, sound and/or light

  • Listlessness with no medical reason (infant depression) 

  • Limited holding onto or reaching for caregiver 

  • Lack of appropriate stranger anxiety between six and nine months 

  • Shows minimal interest in interacting with people 

  • Does not smile back or respond to activity with smilies or baby talk 

  • Often does not follow human movement with their eyes

  • Avoids eye contact 

  • Self-abusive behavior (head banging, self biting, hair pulling) 

  • Is resistent to cuddling (stiff) 

Need more information? We'd love to hear from you! Contact us to find out more! 

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